

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 688503.
VThe mutual cooperation of different types of networks and their gradual integration into one universal broadband multimedia network - Future Network (FN) - gradually creates conditions for the transmission of all types of media and the provision of a wide range of multimedia services and applications. The concept of NGN (Next Generation Networks) has been evolving for several years, mainly within the working groups of the ITU and ETSI standardization institutions.
In the field of information and communication technologies, a continuous process of evolution is underway, including the evolution of NGN technologies towards future networks. There are several aspects that affect the current IMS-based NGN architecture, in order to extend it with additional features to support the implementation and delivery of next-generation multimedia services and applications.
This study material offers selected topics covering various technologies that can be integrated within future networks, such as information and communication technologies, new services and applications.
Published by the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava at SPEKTRUM STU Publishing House,
Bratislava, Vazovova 5, in 2019.
ISBN 978-80-227-5000-4
This study material was created with the support of the European Commission within the project H2020
In the field of information and communication technologies, a continuous process of evolution is underway, including the evolution of NGN technologies towards future networks. There are several aspects that affect the current IMS-based NGN architecture, in order to extend it with additional features to support the implementation and delivery of next-generation multimedia services and applications.
This study material offers selected topics covering various technologies that can be integrated within future networks, such as information and communication technologies, new services and applications.
Published by the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava at SPEKTRUM STU Publishing House,
Bratislava, Vazovova 5, in 2019.
ISBN 978-80-227-5000-4
This study material was created with the support of the European Commission within the project H2020
Language: English